

2010               MASTER of ARTS, Graphic Branding & Identity

                       School of Graphic, London College of

                       Communication, University of the Arts London,

                       London, United Kingdom

2005               BACHELOR of INDUSTRIAL DESIGN,

                       Graphic - Corporate Identity Design

                       Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn

                       University, Bangkok, Thailand


2010 - 2012    PROJECT DESIGNER, coOKiesdYNAmo*

2007 - 2008    ART DIRECTOR, Ogilvy Action

2007               GRAPHIC DESIGNER, Box Office Limited

2005 - 2007    PROJECT DESIGNER, Graphic 49 Limited

2004               TRAINEE, CreativeJjuice / G1

2004               DESIGNER, CU-RDA Packaging Design for

                       SMEs Workshop, Institute for Small and

                       Medium Enterprises Development,

                       Thailand’s Department of Export Promotion

2003               ART DIRECTOR & CHIEF DESIGNER,

                       ‘Prissana’ - The stage performance -

                       Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University

2000 - 2004    COMMITEE & ORGANIZER, Student-Activities,

                       Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University


2005    FINALIST, Happy Book Design Competition,

            Happy D-Prompt by DTAC, Bangkok, Thailand

2001    FINALIST, Rubber Product Design Awards,

            Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,



2010    SPECIAL LECTURER, Introduction to Design,

            Department of Computer Animation, School of

            Science and Technology, University of the Thai

            Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand

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I still cannot make up my mind, whether to design this website as first of my own online space or to be the portfolio site of my own (anyway, I just recognized that I once had a site on free space, provided by Geocities which should be vast of pages’ graveyard now). Thus, please stay catch up!!! :D